by Tara Good

Washington, DC–American wineries nationwide have suffered economic hardship due to the Covid-19 crisis, but have also met the challenges with determination and innovation, according to a new online survey conducted by WineAmerica, the national association of American wineries. The survey was returned by 727 wineries in 45 states, and focused on one month (March 15 to April 15) in terms of impacts on production, employment, tourism, sales, total financial impact, and government actions.

In a clearly challenging time, the most uplifting finding is how wineries have used creativity and innovation to fill the chasm of sales caused by shuttered tasting rooms and restaurants. Among the most popular strategies were curbside winery pickup (84% of wineries used it), reduced shipping costs (63%), special Direct-to-Consumer promotions (60%), home delivery by winery personnel (54%), wine club specials (53%), and virtual wine tastings (28%)–with only 5% of respondents answering “none of the above”. It is highly likely that the marketing experience gained through the need to adapt will last beyond the crisis and serve the industry for years to come.

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