
Beer Guy: Tiers of a Clown

It's a pet peeve of mine, the three tier system. Yes. It. Is. It's not that I don't believe that it shouldn't exist, but in too many states, it is all encompassing, and in too many instances, it provides distributors with an undue amount of power. I certainly believe...

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Beer Guy: Calm Before the Storm

Beer Guy: Calm Before the Storm

It's a myth. There is no such thing as the calm before the storm. There's the tense build up, there's the storm, and there's the aftermath. Calm? The last time I dealt with calm?...I don't really remember. Then again, I have kids. But the latest storm(s)? Planning...

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Beer Guy: The Beerstiary and Other Thoughts

I have, of late, been pondering penning a book on beer in Maryland - history, growth, flagship beers, the evolution of the beer bar in the state, the relationship with local agriculture concerns - but with the current industry growth, it might actually be a...

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Beer Guy: The Cellar Door

So....I have to admit, I'm not really sure how to start this week's column, but I figure I'll just dive in wherever it feels right... Almost a year ago I was at the Craft Brewer's Conference in DC listening to New Belgium founder Kim Jordan rail about people cellaring...

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Beer Guy: Thee Ale-ogically Challenged

This column is more or less a collection of random thoughts. Oh...and the title actually has nothing to do with the content of the column. Take it for what you will... For example, I've finally decided that when I grow up, I want to be the Anthony Bourdain of craft...

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Beer Guy: Freezing My Hop Cones Off

Everyone is talking abut the weather lately, so why buck the trend. It was cold out there yesterday - bring me back to my college days in upstate New York, hovering around zero degrees cold. And it made me ponder how the brewing industry, once very heavily governed by...

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Beer Guy: Hoppy Brew Year, and the Beer Safari

Welcome to 2014! I hope the New Year finds all of my beer-braised meat-sacks alive and well. I, for one, am looking forward to the new year - Frederick Beer Week 4 is on the horizon, new Frederick breweries are in planning stages, and the coming year in Frederick Beer...

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Beer Guy: Night beerfore Christmas

As I am on vacation this week, I have decided to recycle an old one from my days writing about beer for Want2Dish. Yes, I'm bringing back the Frederick beer version of The Night Before Christmas... Twas the week before Christmas and through the brew house No...

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Beer Guy: Dark Side of the Brew’In

Beer Guy: Dark Side of the Brew’In

As beer drinkers, we get to enjoy the end product of an arduous and lengthy process. Thousands of brewers out there bust their asses to provide us with a finely crafted product for consumption. What do we see? What do we get? We get that liquid pouring from the taps,...

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Beer Guy: Ale About Eve

Beer Guy: Ale About Eve

Really, this is going to be a less than focused column. There are a few things I would like to address here. First, I would like to talk about Frederick's Original Ale Makers, or FOAM... The local homebrew concern, FOAM, meets (typically) the first Monday evening of...

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